Thursday, November 12, 2020

Get Rid Of Visceral Fat

The Danger Of Visceral Fat

Visceral fat is the ‘spare tire’ you see around your gut. It is the hardest part of any diet plan to get rid of. But once you understand why the body produces it, you can take steps to banish it for good.

We all know there are many different diet & exercise plans on the market today. There are wonderful products too! I think mine’s the best, but you’ll have to decide that on your own.

What most of them don’t address is the cause of the Visceral Fat.

One of the biggest contributors to this are the toxins in our environment. (That’s a whole lecture in itself) They’re in the water, food and air we breathe. Let alone the carpet cleaners, air sprays, and even the deodorant you use in the morning.

Your body protects itself from these toxins by enclosing them in Visceral Fat for future removal. Unfortunately our environment produces more than our bodies can handle, (ever see the Phoenix sky during the morning rush hour) and that fat is stored around the belly.

I don’t care what diet you use, how many of those pills you take, go ahead and starve yourself if that’s your thing. Unless you get rid of the toxins, that fat will never go away. (The bounce back effect)

The exercise programs all make wonderful claims. My associate in Australia is a trainer herself. When we first discussed my Isagenix Cleanse for Life product she told me why
these exercise programs appear to fail. Since perception is more than reality, they quit.

We know that burning calories with exercise helps. But what happens is the muscle develops below the Visceral Fat. The gain in muscle pushes it out so her clients actually looked larger! While their overall health was better, their ‘spare tire’ got bigger. Now let’s be truthful, we’ve all gone through those exercise plans to look better… it wasn’t a matter of health! Thus they think they’ve failed.

Enter my Cleanse for Life product. There are many of my competitors who add this product to their own programs to address this problem. Make no mistake! 

This is NOT the colon cleanses you see on late night TV. 

This is a completely natural and holistic herb and juice product that cleanses the body naturally. So no “poopies” (You will pee a lot)

Cleanse For Life
It supports your liver, blood, kidney and lung functions to operate as your body intended. Now, as your body rids itself of the toxins, it releases the Visceral Fat because it no longer requires it for protection. So you see, this is not a weight loss product… the weight loss is actually a side effect. And you only need a one or two ounce shot a day.

At less than $1 a shot... it's a deal and a half.

Order Now

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